vonage voip

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Temat: My Internet
My isp, Optimum Online just gave me offer i could not refuse :) They told me that if i subscribe to their Voip service, I would get their Boost (30 mbs down 2mbs up, allowed to run server from home, open ports 80 and 25) for free. I jumped the ship right away. Finally cancelled my Vonage Voip. I used it from 2003. So excited and already looking for some junk machine i can use for my server. I am planing to host some large files on it. Video, maybe one database. Usually this extra service costs $15 more a month.
Źródło: forumnyc.com/index.php?showtopic=1310

  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • pozycb.opx.pl