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Czym zajmuje się KAMIENIARSTWO ?

Temat: Cfos Speed 2.13 beta build 1085 +v. 3.01 Build 1130
...eMule, Kazaa * klasy priorytetowe do zdefiniowania Zmiany: ! Some hacks that are circulating break cFosSpeed's traffic shaping! These versions appear to be working, but are not. To avoid this, use an official download from http://www.cfos.de. If cFosSpeed is good enough that you want to use it past its test period, consider buying it and spare yourself the frustration of hacks and cracks. * cFosSpeed now has a low-latency mode for online gamers, VoIP users and other friends of high responsiveness. In low-latence mode cFosSpeed maximizes bandwidth, but only as long as ping-time is not affected. In bandwidth mode cFosSpeed minizes ping-time, but only as long as bandwidth is not affected. Have a look at some test results (T-DSL 2000, 2000/192 kbit/sec down/up): down up favour bandwidth favour pingtime 1 0 226/-/120 206/-/72 0 1 -/22.6/96 -/21.2/84 1 1 216/16.6/172 164/15.1/91 The values are...
Źródło: shareosiol.com/index.php?showtopic=5491

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