voip communications

Serwis wyszukanych fraz

Czym zajmuje się KAMIENIARSTWO ?

Temat: Niewłaściwy generał na szefa CIA?
...was a non-threat signal. The U.S. report on the shooting death also refers in another Secret/NOFORN sentence to the use by the American Tactical Operations Center (TOC) of Voice Over IP (VOIP) phones and FM radio as the two primary means of communications. NSA insiders scoff at the reference to VOIP—claiming that such phones are not routinely used because of their inherent unreliability. Even the Secret/NOFORN sentence alludes to problems in VOIP communications between the 69th Infantry unit and a field artillery unit: "The 1—76 FA [Field Artillery] Battle Captain was using only VOIP to communicate with 1—69 IN, but experienced problems with VOIP, therefore losing its only communication link with 1—69 IN." According to NSA officers, the failure of the agency to upgrade or change its ELINT parameter data, contained in two databases known as the Emitter...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,902,41441166,41441166,Niewlasciwy_general_na_szefa_CIA_.html

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