voip client

Serwis wyszukanych fraz

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Temat: [E61i] Dostępny nowy firmware 3.0633.69.00
...Messaging * Reading fo SMS time stamp information unified between regions * SMS sending from SIM Toolkit - Profile 07 improved * Unicode Handling with Turkish characters corrected * Correction to fetching email from freemail server * Intellisync: Searching a contact for the first time improved SIM * After the startup, the phone recognizes the language to use from the SIM card * SMSC is re-read from SIM after switch on VOIP * Improvement of co-operation of Gizmo VoIP client and Internet voice mailbox * SIP Proxy Authentication corrected in outgoing call if two SIP profiles with same realm and user name WAP * Correction of Chinese word corruption with WAP browser * Searching in hebrew from portal corrected * Wap GET/POST forms corrected when using Greek characters * Reset during WAP browsing and MT calls corrected Other changes * Start-up settings updated * Settings Wizard updated * Start-up date changed to 1.1.2008 *...
Źródło: forum.symbianos.pl/viewtopic.php?t=24423

Temat: chinskie literki - odpowiedz
sory ale musialem to napisac jest juz taki temat zostalo tam zadane takie pytanie czemu jak cie wykopuja z ry to masz chinskie znaczki? moja odpowiedz to: czytajcie glowna strone warrocka!! bylo napisane co wniosl update i otoz cytuje HackShield maintenance is completed and servers are back online. Bug Fixes/Changes: # Vivox VoIP client has been removed from the game. # Go! Go! Go! has been added as a random room name. Known Issues: # Notification message that comes up after a player is kicked off a room is in Korean. - War Rock Team I wszystko wiadme A na przyszlosc prosba do modkow zeby tak szybko nie zamykali tematow bo moze niektorzy maja rzetelne info na jakis temat.(bo sry kilo ale twoja odpowiedz byla nieco "niewyczerpujaca")
Źródło: mpcforum.pl/index.php?showtopic=19482

Temat: [E66] firmware 300.21.012
...for MyNokia feature. •Minor audio related bugs fixed •Updated helps BROWSER •Minor stability improvements CALL HANDLING •Minor improvements in Call handling and quality CALENDAR •Stability and Minor Functionality improvements CONNECTIVITY •WLAN functionality Improvements •Fix to prevent Wifi Certification issues when Wifi alliance moves to Win 2008 as the test server •Fix for the one way audio problem seen in Cisco VoIP client •Memory leak fixes CONTACTS/PHONEBOOK •Minor UI Improvements •Stability and functionality improvements for search functionality EMAIL •Mail for Exchange upgraded from 2.7.22 to 2.9.158 •Gimlet updated to v5 •Email setup wizard updated •Support for Exchange Server 2007 in MfE •Many functionality and stability improvements in MfE •Robust Synchronisation of Calendar and email items....
Źródło: forum.symbianos.pl/viewtopic.php?t=40147

Temat: Nowy Firmware do E61!!
Oto tekst z zachodniego forum, jeszcze nie mam paczuszki z tym cudenkiem, ale widze ze poprawili chyba problemy z glosnoscia na zestawie sluchawkowym :] Gralo ciszej niz na tym firmware z jedynka na poczatku. Oto tekst: Firmware update for E61: Changes from 2.0618.06.05 to 3.0633.09.04 (SB-013/22.12.06) VoIP 2.0 * Extended NAT/Firewall traversal mechanisms added (STUN, persistent TCP/IP) * Integrated Easy VoIP Client with fast hotspot connection * More detailed info about VoIP 2.0 can be found from “www.forum.nokia.com” web site Device management * Multiple application support in same session added to Application installation over DM * Large Application support added to Application installation over DM * DM Server Certificate renewal support added * DM support added for new VoIP features (NAT/STUN) Synchronisation * Added support to...
Źródło: symbianforum.pl/index.php?/index.php?showtopic=6602

Temat: "Wrath of Gods" (A) - PvE Heroic/Raid Guild -Now Recruiting-
...other plays. This is the only true way to be effective at anything. Contact Branthos, Zatokaida, Rezachka or Jude, or send in-game mail to Branthos inquiring about recruitment to Wrath of Gods. *Pick-up Group, a term for recruiting random people into your instance/raid groups. These groups often fail to accomplish a complete run of an instance/raid, due to the possible inexperience and incompetence of the people being recruited from outside the guild. **Ventrilo is a VoIP client, that will allow us to communicate with microphones, instead of being limited to the slow and inconvenient use of a keyboard. It only requires a very small installation with very simple setup. Even the slowest of computers can run Ventrilo and WoW at the same time with absolutely no loss of gaming performance.
Źródło: bottlenet.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1026

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