voodoo dolls

Serwis wyszukanych fraz

Czym zajmuje się KAMIENIARSTWO ?

Temat: Express yourself!
Ah But I am sure that you won't be lonely for long http://forum.nightwish-world.com/public/style_emoticons/default/2992.gif That's ok, you weren't to know! But thanks .http://forum.nightwish-world.com/public/style_emoticons/default/8922.gif Besides, I'll get over it eventually. And if I don't, I have voodoo dolls! http://forum.nightwish-world.com/public/style_emoticons/default/devil.gif @Nocturna: Thanks hon. http://forum.nightwish-world.com/public/style_emoticons/default/8922.gif
Źródło: forum.nightwish-world.com/index.php?showtopic=716

Temat: Aram Arslanian - wywiad z HYE?com
...I was pissed. I was thinking, "Canadians love canadian bands. Of course, they are going to steal my rare canadian merch. Those assholes." For months, I stewed over Aram and his band. Waiting for retribution. When I moved out of the apartment at the end of the summer, I found the shirt wedged into a trunk that it didn't belong in. No idea how it got there, but I suddenly became ashamed of my malice towards Aram and Face Tomorrow. Fear not, I immediately discarded the voodoo dolls, and called off all curses. Yeah, that's Aram to me. One of the best dudes around. 1. Dude, how's your edge? - My edge is hard and sharp. I just turned 32 been sXe for over 10 years and I’ve never felt better about The Straight Edge 2. How about a little background? How'd it all begin for you: metal, skating, ...? - I grew up in Calgary Alberta which is right above Montana; its pretty isolated so growing up there wasn’t a ton of bands coming...
Źródło: forum.hard-core.pl/viewtopic.php?t=11103

Temat: Witajcie
PERSONALNIE 1. Łukasz 2. 17 3. Voodoo dolls 4. nie trzeba tlumaczyc 5. Siostra 6. Nie mam motta 7. "Miłość i przebaczenie nie mogą być ubierane w piękne słowa" "Kiedy czlowiek jest zraniony, uczy sie nienawisci... Kiedy czlowiek rani ludzi, oni go nienawidza..." "Tylko przez żywych ludzi ból jest realizowany" "Tak jak ja pragniesz zabić tych którzy wtrącali cie do piekła zwanego samotnością| "Koncepcja nadziei jest niczym...
Źródło: forum.naruto24.pl/viewtopic.php?t=22

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