volleyball game

Serwis wyszukanych fraz

Czym zajmuje się KAMIENIARSTWO ?

Temat: HI
hi i would like to congratulate you on the game, i've been waiting for ages for a volleyball game to come out. I have two questions though: 1) Is there a version available where you can play with more clubs? Because i tried resigning and i couldn't continue playing. 2) How many seasons can you play? When does the game end? Do regen players start appearing in the game? Thank you. Nenad
Źródło: forum.e-siatka.pl/viewtopic.php?t=1442

Temat: Bugs in Volleyball Manager 2008
Hello! This is my first post on the forum, I was invited to join by one of the game creators, so here I am First, I want to congratulate the whole team on doing a great job with the game! I enjoy playing it most of the time, even though I am not a gamer myself, I do it just because it's a volleyball game I wanted to say that there are quite a lot of mistakes in the Bulgarian championship. Some squads are updated, but some are not. Of course, you can't know all the data, it's hard to find it even when you're in Bulgaria! I don't know whether my post should be in the Bugs section, or in the Database one instead, since I am gonna present only correct names and positions of Bulgarian players. It took me some time to gather all the squads, but they are complete now...
Źródło: forum.e-siatka.pl/viewtopic.php?t=1222

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