
Serwis wyszukanych fraz

Czym zajmuje się KAMIENIARSTWO ?

Temat: 9Dragons
...Realistic H.S.M (hyper speed movement) system Monster Characters with advanced AI and Growth • Specially designed high levels of artificial intelligence • Correlated with mid-level boss’s AI and respective clan • Learning curve increases via interaction with the User • Level up by gaining experience level Level Design Based Upon Actual Chinese Geography • Vast size and specializing of area • Trees, Desert, Lakes, Sea, Volcanoes • Changing of time & weather • Realistic environment with exclusive TripleX & SpeedTreeĹ˝ technology. Customizable Quests • Each player is given a chance to dictate one’s destiny in accordance with the scenario. • Four different kinds of quest • For the time being, over 300 quests are in service • In conclusion, the player can experience the interactive contents, as if he or she were a hero of heroine of...
Źródło: osiol.net/index.php?showtopic=27977

Temat: Zadania Domowe :)
Mam fatalne zadanie domowe :/ Muszę przetłumaczyć ten tekst na język polski: One of the worst volcanic eruptions in history was in 79 AD. Mount Vesuvius, in Italy, erupted very suddenly, destroying the Roman towns of Pompeii and Herculaeum. In 79 AD, people didn't understand how volcanoes worked, so they weren't expecting the volcano to erupt. It was just a normal day untill the disaster happened: people were working, shopping, and studying at school. When the volcano erupted, they tried to hide or run away, but most of them couldn't escape in time. They were killed by rocks, mud, ash and gas from volcano. More than 20,000 people in the region died, but there is a positive side to the story of Pompeii. We've been able to learn a lot...
Źródło: issonline.pl/board/index.php?showtopic=4205

Temat: Magic [FAQ]
...time Nannareth - world of souls Baasu - world of chaos Anhra - kinetic world. For an example let me present the dimension of humans. The world of humans. It isn't a dimension but rather a point, wchich all the remaining dimensions penetrate through. Thanks to the influence of Fehlr, humans can light a fire in the fireplace, light a bonfire, and the mages can turn the villages to ashes. But sometimes the influence of Fehlr is not controlled. Then the forests may go on fire, and volcanoes can erupt. The Zenhl, world of cold, shows itself during winters, but if this dimension is too "leaky", than the winters can be severe and long. The pervasion of Yengrix shows through thunders and lightnings i.e. storms. When it penetrates too strongly, the thunderbolts struck the trees, towers, as well as humans. Rarely a spherical thunderbolt appears. Black Dome - makes the time flow in Erthel: hours, days, months and years. Mages and...
Źródło: bone-fracture.pl/index.php?showtopic=1260

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