nlp trainer

Serwis wyszukanych fraz

Czym zajmuje się KAMIENIARSTWO ?

Temat: Pułapki pozytywnego myślenia
...taught the class all over the US and Europe. His active mind, seldom at rest, created other seminars. He trained people in hypnosis, and for ten years educated thousands of hypnotherapists who use his methods in Greece, Switzerland, England, Austria, Holland, France, and most major cities in the U.S. Along the way he picked up more and more knowledge and with the hermetic principles to guide him he became a feng shui master, a producer of labyrinths, an NLP trainer, and a teacher of psychic healing. He has lectured and trained people to better their lives who worked as miners in the bowels of the earth and he has lectured before a man who walked on the surface of the moon. He counts among his graduates, royalty, advisers to royalty, celebrities, union leaders, heads of universities, physicists, priests, rabbis, ministers, and religious of every faith, as well as the white collar and blue...
