dbz live action movie

Serwis wyszukanych fraz

Czym zajmuje się KAMIENIARSTWO ?

Temat: Dragonball: Ewolucja
Oto, co wyczytałem na anglojęzycznej stronie DB Z: Cytuj:ILM ON DBZ LIVE ACTION MOVIE by Otherworld Steve I decided to follow up a bit more regarding the rumored live action Dragon Ball/Z movie. One persistent rumor has been that "George Lucas' CGI company ILM has signed a contract to do the special effects." Today I called Ellen Pasternack, Public Relations for ILM. I asked her if the rumor was true; if ILM was brought on board to provide the special effects for the Dragon Ball/Z live action movie. Ms. Pasternack's reply...
Źródło: movieforum.pl/viewtopic.php?t=532

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