bsr bank

Serwis wyszukanych fraz

Czym zajmuje się KAMIENIARSTWO ?

Temat: ASM newbie requesting help / MOVWF vs. MOVFF and current Bank
...FSR2L ; get other arguments from stack ; movff PREINC2, _yourint+0 ; movff PREINC2, _yourint+1 ; rgoto mod_skel_function In this template movwf is used to move the first function param byte from WREG to _mod_skel_var. But the C-wrapper of the sdcard module uses movff WREG, _sdcard_address+0 to move the WREG. movff is using absolute 12-bit memory addresses, but movwf uses a 8-bit file-register address and the "a" flag (common block/ BSR bank). How can I be sure that the right bank is selected (or _mod_skel_var is in the common block) when moving WREG to _mod_skel_var with movwf ? Or should I use movff instead, like seen in sdcard.asm ? and.. do 2-word-instructions execute in one cycle or is the core just able to load one word at once? I know that calls and branches / gotos take two cycles, but I'am not sure about 2-word instructions. thanks a lot for your help
