akt pathway

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Temat: Leki mogą uzłośliwiać nowotwór
PTEN/PI3K/ Akt Pathway Regulates the Side Population Phenotype and ABCG2 Activity in Glioma Tumor Stem-like Cells przedruk z: http://www.cell.com/cell-stem-cell/abst ... %2900010-1 Anne-Marie Bleau1,2,Dolores Hambardzumyan1,2,Tatsuya Ozawa1,2,Elena I. Fomchenko1,2,Jason T. Huse1,3,Cameron W. Brennan2,4andEric C. Holland1,2,4,Go To Corresponding Author, 1 Department of Cancer Biology and Genetics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY...
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