24 cast

Serwis wyszukanych fraz

Czym zajmuje się KAMIENIARSTWO ?

Temat: Kiefer Sutherland: Heart of Darkness
...Eventually, this attention to neatness comes up during a discussion about his various possible failings as a boyfriend. "I think I'm pretty demanding as a person," he says. "I like things to be a certain way, everything from being on time to being tidy. I haven't been flexible with that. I mean, as I've gotten older, I've hopefully become a lot more flexible. But, of course, I am living alone." "Does disorder bother you?" I ask. "I had the 24 cast over for dinner one night and I heard that Reiko Aylesworth, who played Michelle, said, 'It's so nice that he cleaned up his place.' Someone else said, 'He didn't clean it up for you, honey. It's always this clean.' And her response was, 'Ewwww.' But there's so much disorder in every other aspect of what we do, if you can control your environment at home, you do it." "It's a little freaky to walk into," I say. "Yeah?" he says, and he says it...
Źródło: artdstract.home.pl/domeny-firmowe/artdstract.pl/ash/f/viewtopic.php?t=885

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